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Service AlertsART Route 45 - Bus Stop Closure: Beginning February 10, 2025, the westbound bus stop located on Columbia Pike and S. Walter Reed Drive (ID# 6000245) will temporarily close for approximately three months. Customers are to board ART 45 and Metrobus routes at the next nearest bus stops at N. Highland St. and/or N. Barton St. View all ART Alerts

Service AlertsSTAR Service Disruptions and Scheduling Delays: STAR is currently experiencing service delays. This may result in longer wait times to plan trips and schedule rides. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working to find immediate solutions to bring the service back to acceptable levels. View all ART Alerts

Customer Rights & Responsibilities

STAR makes every effort to ensure that our service is safe and reliable. You have rights as a STAR customer. However, you also have responsibilities to work within the rules. For your convenience we have listed some of your rights and responsibilities.

Your Rights

  • Ride in a safe, clean vehicle with seat belts and all other equipment in good working order.
  • Be picked up in a wheelchair accessible vehicle, if needed. Please let STAR know if you need to use the wheelchair lift or ramp. You may use the wheelchair lift or ramp even if you are walking, but have difficulty with steps.
  • Travel with a Personal Care Attendant and/or a companion, if you made that request when the ride was reserved.
  • Be accompanied by a properly behaved service animal. Service animals should be trained to sit on the floor.
  • Have your STAR trip scheduled within one hour of your requested time.
  • Be picked up within the pick-up window.
  • Receive courteous, respectful assistance to and from the curb and the vehicle.
  • Have the driver assist you between the vehicle and the curb with packages totaling up to 40 pounds.
  • File a complaint with STAR if service is not satisfactory. If the STAR Call Center is closed, please leave a message to be retrieved the next business day.

Your Responsibilities

  • Pay your exact fare and show your MetroAccess photo ID when boarding.
  • Be courteous to other customers and STAR operators. Customers who behave in an abusive manner may be suspended from STAR service.
  • Wear a seat belt. If you use a mobility device (wheelchair or scooter), allow the driver to secure it.
  • While riding in STAR vehicles, do not eat, drink, smoke, spit or play audio or video devices without earphones.
  • Keep your service animal under control at all times.
  • Make your reservation at least one day in advance.
  • Be prepared to give the reservation agent necessary information to properly schedule your trip such as exact address and which entrance to meet.
  • Be ready for pickup within the pick-up window for your scheduled trip.
  • Be willing to share the vehicle with other customers.
  • Cancel your reservation as soon as you know you cannot make the scheduled trip.
  • Keep all of your personal information updated with STAR.
  • Be prepared with another transportation resource, should you have an unanticipated need to travel on a same-day basis. STAR is not obligated nor is the service intended to meet same-day transportation needs.
  • Use a wheelchair compliant with Americans with Disabilities Act regulations—maximum dimensions of 30 inches wide, 48 inches long, and 600 pounds when occupied.
  • Ask Arlington Transit about travel training to use ART, Metrobus, or Metrorail transit services. If you are able to use public transit for some of your rides, you can be spontaneous (same day rides!) and you will save money on fares. As a MetroAccess eligible customer you may be able to ride Metrobus and Metrorail free. Contact ART Customer Service at 703-228-RIDE (7433), email your commuting question to, or fax questions to 703-524-4959.

Metro offers free system orientations to teach people with disabilities how to use Metrobus and Metrorail. To arrange for a FREE Metro system orientation, please contact the Metro Office of ADA Programs at 202-962-1558 or 202-962-2033 (TDD).

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