Arlington Transit Celebrates Transit Equity Day
February 03, 2025

On Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2025, Arlington Transit (ART) is proud to join the nation in celebrating Transit Equity Day by reserving a seat on all ART buses throughout the County in honor of Rosa Parks and providing passengers on STAR paratransit services a small gesture of treats. This initiative, aligning with the birthday of Rosa Parks, marks a commitment to ensuring equitable and inclusive transportation services throughout the world.
Transit Equity Day, celebrated on February 4th, remembers Rosa Parks and her important work. In 1955, her refusal to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, sparked a movement against racial segregation. Her actions reflect the importance of fair and accessible transportation for all.
ART is focused on expanding fair service to connect people to education, opportunities, and important places. In 2022, two programs were piloted to make transit more affordable for students and low-income residents, leading to free fares for students with an iRide SmarTrip card. This program allows students who are enrolled in school in Arlington County to ride ART and dedicated MetroBus routes for free.
Arlington Transit continues to engage and inform the community with its Transit Strategic Plan, that will shape the next decade of service.
Learn more about Arlington's commitment to transit equity and strategic planning here.
Another key player in promoting Transit Equity is STAR, which offers shared-ride services for individuals with disabilities. This service ensures that people with mobility challenges have access to public transportation that is on par with ART and regional options. Arlington Transit is actively seeking community feedback to help shape future STAR service recommendations, with a focus on improving operational efficiency and better meeting the needs of the community.
As Arlington Transit observes Transit Equity Day, it reaffirms its commitment to providing accessible, affordable, and equitable transportation services for all. The connection between the enduring legacy of Rosa Parks, ongoing equity initiatives, and community engagement, ART and STAR continues to build upon the strategic planning efforts of Arlington Transit’s dedication to creating a transit system that meets the needs of every member in the community.
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