Adopt an ART bus stop and help keep Arlington County a beautiful and clean place to live, work and visit!
Sign up to Adopt-a-Stop | View Adoptable Stops | Safety Tips | Group Release Form (PDF)
Arlington Transit's Adopt-a-Stop program relies upon community partnerships to help maintain bus stops throughout the County. Individuals or groups can apply to adopt an ART bus stop for a commitment of one year. The adopter pledges to keep their adopted bus stop clean and perform the duties listed below. Bus stop adopters will be publicly recognized with a sign at the adopted bus stop and recognition on ART's web site.
ART bus stops along ART's 16 routes can be adopted. See a list of the bus stops you can adopt.
Individuals, community groups, civic associations and leasing agencies who own apartment complexes in Arlington County are encouraged to participate in the Adopt-a-Stop program. Sign-up to participate!
For questions or more information please call 703-228-0638.
Participant agrees to:
- Adopt one (or more) ART bus stop(s) for one year.
View the list of adoptable stops.
- Regularly maintain (at least once a week) the adopted bus stop by being responsible for trash pick-up.
- When it snows, clear a sidewalk path from the nearest curb ramp to the bus stop and a path from the bus stop to the road. See snow removal guidelines (PDF, 192 KB)
- Report vandalism, disturbances, safety issues, and items left at the bus stop to Arlington Transit.
- Participants must be 18 years or older, unless they are part of a group. If a group wants to adopt a stop the group leader must be at least 18 years of age and a group form must be filled out and turned in.
View the Adopt-a-Stop Agreement Form and Safety Tips to follow.
Arlington Transit agrees to:
- Perform, at the participant’s request, graffiti removal, overgrown grass removal and bus stop repairs.
- Install, at the participant’s request, a trash receptacle at the adopted bus stop.
- Provide, at the participant's request, safety vests for adopters to wear while cleaning the bus stop.
For performing the above listed duties the participant will:
- Be recognized with a sign at the adopted bus stop. It will take 4-6 business weeks to create and install the sign.
- Be listed on Arlington Transit’s website.
View the list of adoptable bus stops and Sign-up to participate in the program!